
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activty 2

This week for the summer learning journey we have completed our second activity. This activity was about reading a text and filling in a template. In the template you had to write who the characters were, what part they played in the story and what the outcome was for them. The second activity was to complete a comic,where you had to watch a video that had no words in it, and we had to write a comic and write what we think the actors are saying. I worked with Florence to get this completed.


  1. Talofa Lava Matheus
    My name is Hector and I am from LS1. I loved reading through your blog post. What was interesting about your Summer Learming Journey task?

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    3. Hey Hector,
      Thanks for the comment. I am in room 5. Do you do the Summer Learning Journey task too?

  2. Hey Matheus,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts and I hope you’re enjoying your summer.

    Your comic was really good. It made me laugh, imagining these old gentlemen speaking like this. You filled out the template with lot of detail and answered each question well.

    Great stuff Matheus
    See you later in the comments.


    1. Hey Daniel,
      Thanks for the comment. I enjoying summer but I am still at school to learn but thank you so much. Thank you so much because lots of people from the SLJ is commenting on my blog. I got a question for you. Why do you comment on people's blog?

      - Matheus

    2. Hey Matheus,

      Good question.
      It is a summer job for me to help me buy Christmas presents and save up for next year but mainly, I also really enjoy seeing your and other student's work and encouraging them to work hard over the summer and keep learning because it fun.


    3. Hey Daniel,
      Thank so much for answering my question. Thats cool. I got another question. Are you good at a comment thread?


    4. Hey Matheus

      I'd love to reply to your question but I'm not quite sure what you mean?


    5. Hey Daniel,
      A comment thread is a reply that go again again and again. That is a comment thread. Also are you going to comment on peoples blog in the summer?


  3. Hey Matheus

    Oh I see. Thank you for clarifying for me. Yes I think I'm good at keeping up with the comment thread and Yes the whole SLJ team will still keep commenting during the summer right up till the end of the SLJ activities.



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